Manish Bhardia of Think AI was deeply honored to have received the ABAOC Presidential Award of the year. The President of ABAOC presented this award at the hugely successful Asian Business Association Orange County Gala 2019 at Disneyland Hotel on Saturday November 9th.
As part of ABAOC, Manish was involved in leading three Small Business Workshops in partnership with Southern California Edison and worked directly with Micheal Herrera on their EDGE workshop initiative. It was great to work with Micheal Harerra, and we are looking forward to similarly exceptional partnerships in the future.
We wish to extend special thanks to Pramod Kunju for introducing Manish to the ABAOC organization, to Diana Zuniga for excellent leadership, and to the ABAOC board for all their support.
Manish works primarily with implementing cutting-edge technology for thought leaders who can envision moving their company into the future of business. These technologies include application of Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics through Power BI. He is your ideal partner to guide you through a complex technology transition in your business.
President of International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP) SoCal
Strong focus on customer service with a history of A++ client satisfaction
Awarded the 2019 IAMCP SoCal Partner Choice Award
Awarded the ABAOC 2019 Presidential Award of the year