Top 5 Items Business Owners Want in an Enterprise Productivity System

Written by Manish Bhardia


October 24, 2019

Top 5 Items Business Owners Want in an Enterprise Productivity System

In this blog series, Think AI partner, Manish Bhardia will be discussing the top five features business owners want in an Enterprise Productivity system. If this topic is of particular interest to you, you can subscribe to the Think AI newsletter or send an email request to receive a PDF with the top twenty features business owners want in an Enterprise Productivity system.

Here are the top five features business owners want in an Enterprise Productivity system:

  1. The first feature is system adoption. In order to get the full return on investment for the new solution, users need to be utilizing it to it’s full capacity for the intended function it was implemented for. If a new system is implemented but no users adopt it, then there is a loss of potential productivity and therefore no return on investment.
  2. The second feature is collaboration versatility. The solution needs to be inclusive of an internal team collaboration environment as well as an external team collaboration environment. This is to have an all-in-one solution for both the collaboration needs for internal users and teams as well as external clients and partners.
  3. The third feature is project and task management. Team members are working and collaborating with others 80% of the time, and often have dependencies on other individuals or teams to get things done. This essentially means that often an individuals’ productivity is actually dependent on others. This is precisely why business owners want project management and task management capabilities included in the Enterprise Productivity environment.
  4. The fourth feature is a unified way of doing things. What this means is that instead of jumping around in different applications, if a company can have one application which can provide a variety of features or a lot of tools then it becomes an opportunity for a unified way of doing things. Business owners are really looking for an ecosystem and it’s exciting to see companies such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft bringing together so many features. We are Microsoft partner and believe Teams offers that unified way of doing things to business owners, through an application in which everything can be done within the application itself.
  5. The fifth feature, finally, is that the set up for a new project, new department, or new team needs to be “templatized”. After successfully planning and executing on a new setup, you should be able to save that process as a template so that when you’re launching a new environment, you can deploy the new setup quickly and save on both time and resources.

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Think AI is a software development company for Thought Leaders. In an industry where 50% of software projects fail, Think AI has a 95% success rate. You don’t want to gamble on your critical projects, so if you need a technology partner to guide you through a new solution implementation in your company, partner with us for success. Looking forward to hearing from you, and sharing more insights in future posts.

Thanks for reading.

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